
PRET: 57 46 LEI |
The impact of social media on international tourism: a crossgenerational analysis of Romanian tourists |
Maria-Irina Ana
Colectia: Smart Books |
ISBN: 978-606-749-729-8, Format: 13 x 20 cm, 404 pagini, Aparitie: 2024, Februarie |
We are now swimming in pools of information, but compared to the times when information was confirmed from a minimum of 3 different sources before being published, now we are in the position to decide which information is accurate and which is fake. This has made tourists more alert and aware, open to new information but also able to decide between genuine and misleading stories.
So, for people still thinking that social media is a God sent gift, my advice for you is to weigh your information sources, to always keep in mind that Social Media alone might not answer all your questions in an honest way and try to embrace technology without feeling limited to it.
This book is quite a valuable addition to the literature on international tourism and the use of social media among Romanian tourists, but many of the conclusions drawn can be easily applied also to other countries. Besides, the volume is easy to read and understand even for those without any previous travel and tourism experience. I undoubtedly recommend it to students, tourism marketers, tourism business owners and managers, as well as to governments and policy makers, able to support the travel and tourism industry.
Răzvan Pascu – Entrepreneur & Travel Consultant |
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